May 7 marked the beginning of International Composting Awareness Week. Every spring, the Town of Hampstead provides compost to its residents. Join us at the Irving L. Adessky Community Center parking lot, located by rue Hampstead, to receive your free compost. Please bring a container, a spade, and proof of residence.

Distribution Dates: May 13th and 14th, while supplies last.

Quantity: 2-3 buckets per resident

Benefits of Composting:

  • Reduces waste by more than 40%.
  • Produces free, natural fertilizer for your garden.
  • Helps maintain moisture in your soil.
  • Prevents the generation of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, in landfills.
  • Reduces waste hauling costs.
  • Eliminates greenhouse gas emissions caused by transportation.

Take advantage of this opportunity to support environmental sustainability and improve the health of your garden.

